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Keep calm and use CEX.IO Spot Trading or how to convert Ether to Dollar

There are a lot of things that you can do within the new decentralized finance system without pulling paper money in and out. However, you never know when you will need some hard cash asap in your real-life, tangible wallet. That’s why, you need to think in advance about quick, secure, and reliable methods of transferring your Ethers to dollars. Before you do that, as you already know, you need to check the ETH price and see if it will bring you the amount you expect to spend on your real-world matters.

Most likely, it’s going to be an Ether to USD exchange rate but nevertheless, if you live in Europe, you may also check out the ETH to EUR rate. For British citizens, it’s better to choose the ETH to GBP for monitoring prices.

Next, all you need to do is log into your CEX.IO account. Still don’t have it? It’s not a problem at all. Launching an account will take only a few minutes of your time. Once you do that, you will access a whole ecosystem of our products and services allowing you to reach far beyond the simple buy and sell scheme. You can find multiple sources of maximizing your portfolio potential.

Where to Store Your Ethereum (ETH) Coins?

An Ethereum wallet is a software application that allows users to securely store, manage, and interact with their Ethereum funds and tokens. It stores the user’s private keys, which are necessary to access and authorize transactions on the Ethereum network. Wallets can generate new addresses, send and receive Ether (ETH), view transaction history, and interact with DApps on the Ethereum blockchain. Essentially, an Ethereum wallet acts as a gateway to the Ethereum network, enabling users to manage and utilize their digital assets.

Types of Crypto Wallets for Ethereum

A multitude of wallet categories exist to store cryptocurrency, like Ethereum (Ether/ETH):

  • Hardware Wallet: a physical device that stores private keys offline and provides enhanced security by isolating the keys from potential online threats.

  • Software Wallet: a digital wallet that resides on a computer or mobile device and can be accessed through software applications or web interfaces.

  • Web Wallet: a crypto wallet that operates through a web browser, allowing users to access their funds remotely, often with the convenience of being able to manage their wallet from any device with an internet connection.

  • Mobile Wallet: a wallet designed specifically for mobile devices, providing accessibility on the go and often offering additional features such as QR code scanning for easy transactions.

  • Desktop Wallet: a wallet installed and managed on desktop computers or laptops, providing direct control over private keys and offering a higher degree of security compared to web wallets.

  • Paper Wallet: a printed or written document containing the public and private keys of an Ethereum wallet, often used for long-term storage and considered offline cold storage.

  • Multi-signature Wallet: a wallet that requires multiple signatures or approvals from different parties to authorize transactions, providing added security and control through shared ownership.

  • Custodial Wallet: a wallet provided by a third-party service that holds the private keys on behalf of the user, offering convenience but requiring users to trust the custodian with their funds.

  • Brain Wallet: a wallet derived from a passphrase or memorable information chosen by the user, requiring the user to remember the passphrase instead of storing it digitally.

  • Light Wallet: a wallet that doesn’t require the user to download the entire Ethereum blockchain, instead relying on remote servers to access and verify transactions.

What Wallet is Best for Ether?

There are several popular wallets for storing Ether (ETH), the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain. Here are a few name brands and brief descriptions:

  • MetaMask: a browser extension wallet that allows users to manage Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens. It offers a user-friendly interface and supports web-based decentralized applications.

  • Ledger: a hardware wallet that provides secure offline storage for cryptocurrencies. It stores private keys offline and requires physical confirmation for transactions, enhancing security.

  • Trezor: another hardware wallet that securely stores cryptocurrencies offline. It offers similar features to Ledger and is well-regarded for its security measures.

  • MyEtherWallet (MEW): a web-based wallet that allows users to generate and manage Ethereum wallets. It provides users with control over their private keys and supports hardware wallets.

  • Trust Wallet: a mobile wallet acquired by Binance that offers a simple and secure way to store Ether and other cryptocurrencies. It supports various blockchains and allows users to interact with decentralized applications.

In case if you’re still wondering what is Ethereum (ETH)?

Most people refer to Ethereum as cryptocurrency when there’s a slight difference between the organization itself and the native currency that they use for their own blockchain. So, to be clear, Ethereum is a blockchain platform, and Ether or ETH is its currency. ETH is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization after Bitcoin (BTC). And, with regard to the underlying technology, many traders find it even more interesting than the oldest Nakamoto’s coin.

How Ethereum is different from Bitcoin? The biggest selling point

First things first, while Ethereum is, similarly to Bitcoin, associated with the anonymous public ledger, its founders are, unlike Satoshi, real people. The public face of the network is Canadian Vitalik Buterin. This guy has become one of the youngest crypto billionaires (born in 1994) thanks to his contribution to the world of so-called open finance.

Ethereum is quite different from Bitcoin because it was the first-ever blockchain network to offer something more than just a digital analog of money. The concept of Ethereum might be hard to understand for non-tech-savvy people but, in essence, it has really introduced a new global system of decentralized finance. This was on time in our age of the increased use of online products and services when the number of transactions has become so high that traditional services simply couldn’t handle such a load.

Although many other networks these days offer the same thing with even wider adoption of the most common programming languages, Ethereum was the first one to introduce smart contracts. These are programs that have predetermined conditions and execute automatically on a blockchain.

Also, just like Bitcoin, Ethereum has started its operation with the help of a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism, even though they had a different process of mining. However, it still consumed much electricity power which leaves a large carbon footprint. As a result, the transition to Ethereum 2.0 denotes the shift to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm.

Ethereum facts — did you know?

  • There is an EEA (Enterprise Ethereum Alliance) that helps businesses to adopt Ethereum technology. Members of this organization include Fortune500 companies like Microsoft, JP Morgan, BNY Mellon, FedEx;
  • There is no supply cap for ETH — Ether can be issued without any upper limit of tokens, unlike Bitcoin (BTC) and many other crypto;
  • Most Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are hosted on the Ethereum blockchain;
  • It does have a central authority — there is a core group of developers and managers who works on the network and promotes it. Also, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) although serves as a blockchain (which is kind of a thing in itself), in actuality it does have a physical structure in the form of thousands of computers all over the world. In all, it means that it does have tiny physical data centers, it’s just quite a lot of them.

Now that you know all about the ETH in USD converter and know all about the cryptocurrency itself, let’s explore how you can easily convert Ethereum to USD.

Exploring CEX.IO services for buying ETH

There are quite a few services that you can use to get the most of cryptocurrencies on CEX.IO. Here is what you need to do before you get some ETH in your wallet.

How to get started?

The first thing that you need is, of course, your personal account. Be ready to pass the procedure of verifying your identity. This is a regulatory requirement and it helps to maintain the utmost privacy and security of your sensitive data.

Note, that the first stage of verification on CEX.IO comes with some limits for deposit and withdrawal. This is a security measure that helps to protect your account against fraudulent activities. However, if you want to operate larger sums of funds, you can complete the other stages as well. This requires providing some additional information so that we know it’s really you who sends requests from your account.

A quick tutorial on our services

Now let’s explore the possibilities of our services for buying crypto tokens.

Buy/Sell page

This is a feature that allows you to instantly buy a convenient amount of tokens for the usual, real-world money that you have on your card. Just choose the amount that you want to have in your wallet and proceed with the payment. Make sure you’ve added the card to your account. Ideally, this should be the card that you regularly use for online operations. Once you do that, you will get ETH in your virtual wallet within a few seconds of time. A lot of users choose this method for its time efficiency because they don’t have to wait long for their transfers to settle.


If you have some fiat funds or crypto on your account balance, you can use an Exchange feature in the CEX.IO mobile app to convert one currency into another. The mobile app is suitable for people who want to stay in the know about all crypto opportunities throughout the day. You can take advantage of the market movements on the go without having to wait when you will have a chance to use the desktop version of our platform on a laptop or PC.


Use the Trade function if you’re interested in the trading with market, limit or stop limit orders. If you have more experience in spot trading and working on building your portfolio, our Trade service is what you need. Watch the prices on a customizable price chart and make informed decisions. You can see the order book and many other parameters you might need all on the same page for your convenience. You can also mark the pairs that you choose to monitor as Favorites and have easy access to them anytime you need.

As you can see, buying crypto and trading them with CEX.IO Spot Trading is easy and intuitive for beginners as well as seasoned professionals. Keep in mind though that thorough research is the thing that you should have on your mind for more successful trading.

Safety Measures When Using Ethereum Exchanges

To guarantee the protection of your assets and personal data while buying Ethereum through exchanges, it is essential to adhere to these safety precautions:

  • Create robust passwords. Construct powerful and distinctive passwords for your exchange account, consisting of a blend of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Refrain from using easily predictable passwords.

  • Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Activate 2FA on your exchange account to add an extra layer of security. This often involves connecting your account to a mobile app like Google Authenticator or receiving verification codes via SMS.

  • Utilize a secure internet connection. Employ a safe and private internet connection when accessing your exchange account. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks, as they may be more susceptible to hacking.

  • Keep software regularly updated. Ensure that the operating system and antivirus software of your computer and smartphone stay up to date. Regular updates help fix vulnerabilities that hackers could potentially exploit.

Recommendations for Account Security

  1. Opt for a hardware wallet as an added security measure. Consider utilizing a hardware wallet to safeguard your cryptocurrencies. By keeping your private keys offline and away from potential online threats, you ensure an extra layer of protection.

  2. Exercise caution when dealing with API permissions. If you utilize API keys to engage with Ethereum exchanges, it is important to restrict permissions to only essential ones. Regularly evaluate and revoke any unused or unnecessary API keys.

  3. Maintain active account monitoring. Consistently review your account activity and transaction history to identify any signs of suspicious or unauthorized actions. If anything appears out of the ordinary, promptly report it to the exchange.

  4. Educate yourself about scams. Stay updated regarding common cryptocurrency scams and the techniques employed by hackers. Be wary of unsolicited investment opportunities or requests for personal information.

How to Avoid Scams and Fraud

To protect yourself from scams and fraud while using Ethereum exchanges, there are several steps you can take.

Begin by researching the exchange thoroughly, paying attention to any negative reviews or reports of suspicious activities. It is crucial to ensure that the exchange website has a secure HTTPS connection and a reputable SSL certificate to safeguard your personal information.

Never share your private keys or seed phrases and store them securely offline.

Join reputable forums where you can stay updated on scams and frauds and also share information with others.

Before investing in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), conduct proper due diligence on the projects.

Only engage with verified individuals or official customer support channels, avoiding sharing sensitive information or making transactions based on unsolicited contacts.

By observing these guidelines, you can avoid falling victim to scams and frauds within the Ethereum ecosystem.

The top question: where to buy ETH with USD? (hint: CEX.IO Spot Trading)

You can use a lot of crypto services but most of them require some cryptocurrencies to be used. So, you need to obtain some digital coins and tokens before moving on. One way of doing it is buying crypto with fiat money. That’s one of the easiest and most secure methods to get started in the decentralized finance world. To make your first purchase of ETH, you need to find a regulated crypto & bitcoin exchange.

CEX.IO is an ecosystem of products that has seamlessly integrated regular payment methods like credit cards and bank transfers together with a whole range of crypto-related services. Whether you want to buy Bitcoin or other popular crypto and hold it for a really long time or do day trading, it is all possible on the CEX.IO platform.

What Is an Ethereum Exchange?

An Ethereum exchange is an online platform where users can buy and sell Ethereum, as well as trade ETH tokens with other cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins and fiat currency. Ethereum (Ether/ETH) is the second largest cryptocurrency in the world by market cap and trading volume after Bitcoin, so it is being traded on hundreds of digital asset platforms.

Trading pairs for ETH involve both popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC), as well as lesser-known altcoins. These trading pairs enable users to exchange ETH for other digital assets, diversify their crypto portfolio, and take advantage of price fluctuations in the market.

Ethereum cryptocurrency exchanges typically provide features, such as order books, charts, and trading tools, to facilitate efficient and secure trading. Many exchanges offer advanced features, like margin trading and lending, allowing users to amplify their potential profits or borrow funds using their Ethereum holdings as collateral.

Some exchanges to sell, trade, and buy crypto are powered by the Ethereum blockchain itself (like Uniswap), while others operate on a distinct blockchain network. For example, Raydium is built on the Solana blockchain network, and SpiritSwap is hosted on the Fantom Opera Chain.

Ethereum Overview

Ethereum is a blockchain system that operates as a decentralized and open-source platform for various cryptocurrencies, including its own digital currency called Ether. It also serves as a platform for executing decentralized smart contracts.

The concept of Ethereum was initially presented in a whitepaper by Vitalik Buterin in 2013. To fund the project, Buterin and other co-founders held a public online crowd sale in the summer of 2014. The project successfully raised $18.3 million in Bitcoin during the Initial Coin Offering (ICO), with over 60 million Ether sold. Considering the current price of Ethereum, this translates to an impressive annualized return on investment (ROI) of over 270%, meaning that the investment has nearly quadrupled every year since 2014.

The official launch of the Ethereum blockchain, codenamed «Frontier,» took place on July 30, 2015. Since then, multiple network updates have been implemented, including «Constantinople» on Feb. 28, 2019, «Istanbul» on Dec. 8, 2019, «Muir Glacier» on Jan. 2, 2020, «Berlin» on April 14, 2021, and most recently, the «London» hard fork on Aug. 5, 2021.

The primary objective of Ethereum is to establish itself as a global platform for decentralized applications (DApps). This platform enables users worldwide to write and execute software that is resilient to censorship, downtime, and fraudulent activities.

Ethereum Founders

Ethereum has eight co-founders who met in Switzerland on June 7, 2014. Vitalik Buterin authored the original white paper and still works on improving the platform. Gavin Wood coded the first technical implementation and proposed Solidity. Anthony Di Iorio provided early-stage funding, Charles Hoskinson established the Ethereum Foundation, Mihai Alisie assisted in its establishment, Joseph Lubin helped fund Ethereum and founded ConsenSys, and Amir Chetrit co-founded Ethereum but left early in development.

Ethereum Uniqueness

Ethereum revolutionized blockchain technology by introducing smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements between parties on the Internet. These contracts reduce transaction costs and increase reliability by eliminating the need for intermediaries. Ethereum’s blockchain serves as a global computer, enhancing the security and resilience of smart contracts by running them on a decentralized network of public nodes.

Aside from the smart contract capability, Ethereum’s blockchain can also support other cryptocurrencies called tokens, using the ERC-20 standard. This has become the primary use of the Ethereum platform, with over 280,000 ERC-20 tokens launched, including popular ones like USDT, LINK, and BNB.

Another outstanding element of this decentralized technology is Ethereum Name Service (ENS), which is a decentralized domain name system built on the Ethereum blockchain. It enables users to register and manage human-readable domain names for their Ethereum addresses, smart contracts, and decentralized websites. ENS simplifies the process of interacting with Ethereum by replacing complex hexadecimal addresses with readable names, making it easier for users to send and receive transactions.

Ethereum is currently transiting from a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This switch is part of the Ethereum roadmap to address scalability, security, and energy efficiency concerns. This transition will also enable ETH staking in the future, once the transition is successfully completed.

Ether Coin

Ethereum Coin (Ether, symbol “ETH”) plays multiple roles on the Ethereum Network. It serves as the native cryptocurrency of the network, used for transactions and to incentivize miners to validate and secure the blockchain.

Ether is required to pay for computational tasks and storage on the Ethereum Network, such as the executions of smart contracts and deployment of decentralized applications.

Criteria for Selecting a Reliable Crypto Exchange

When choosing an Ethereum exchange, it’s important to take into account several factors to ensure a smooth trading experience. Consider the following aspects to help you make an informed decision:

  • Reputation and Trust. Prioritize exchanges that have a strong reputation within the crypto community. Look for positive feedback and reviews from users, indicating a history of reliable and secure operations.

  • Liquidity. Check the trading volume and liquidity of the exchange. Higher liquidity ensures that you can quickly find suitable trading pairs for your assets, minimizing delays and slippage during trades.

  • User-Friendly Interface. Choose a platform with an intuitive and beginner-friendly interface. This will make it easy for both novice and experienced traders to navigate the platform and execute trades efficiently.

  • Range of Supported Assets. Consider the variety of cryptocurrencies supported by the Ethereum exchange. A diverse selection of assets allows for more opportunities and flexibility in your trading options.

  • Security Measures. Research the security measures implemented by the exchange. Look for features such as two-factor authentication (2FA), cold storage of assets, and regular security audits. A trustworthy exchange prioritizes the safety and protection of its users’ funds.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Trading Platform

In addition to the aforementioned criteria, there are other factors to consider when choosing a trading platform for an Ethereum exchange:

  • Charges. Compare fee structures across different exchanges, such as transaction fees, deposit and withdrawal fees, trading fee policies, exchange rate structures, and any hidden costs. It is advisable to select an exchange with transparent and competitive fee rates.

  • Trading Features. Assess the availability of advanced trading tools and features like market orders, limit orders, stop-loss orders, and charting tools. These tools can significantly enhance your trading strategies and decision-making process.

  • Passive Income Opportunities. Many popular exchanges in the crypto market are suitable not only for buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrencies, but also for earning gains on your digital asset holdings. These can include interest-bearing accounts, staking (when your assets are locked for a certain period), dividends, and more. If you want to put your crypto possessions into good use, you can consider these passive income capabilities.

  • Support Services. Look for an exchange that offers reliable and easily accessible customer support to address any queries or concerns that may arise. Prompt and helpful customer support can play a vital role in swiftly resolving any issues that arise during your trading journey.

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