Как рассчитать прибыльность майнинга: калькулятор и советы

Ethereum (eth) staking: calculator, yield, rewards & apy

How to Convert Wei to Gwei

The three steps for converting wei to gwei is to divide the total amount of wei by 1 billion.

Developers can use a conversion calculator to understand the relationship between wei and gwei, or follow this simple step-by-step process: 

  1. Count the number of amount of wei

  2. Use a base divisor of 10^9 or 1 billion 

  3. Divide the number of wei by the base divisor

This will give you the overall number of gwei.

For example, 420,069,000,000 wei / 1,000,000,000 = 420.069 gwei.

To calculate the price in terms of USD, multiply your total gwei by the current price of one Ether divided by 1,000,000,000 (10^9).

For example, if Ether is worth $1,000, then 420.069 gwei equals $0.000420069, or approximately 1/25th of one cent.

Аналоги Whattomine

По мимо калькулятора Whattomine, есть несколько аналогов, в том числе на русском языке.

  • 2CryptoCalc — https://2cryptocalc.com/ru
  • Minerstat — https://minerstat.com/mining-calculator?lang=ru
  • CoinWarz — https://www.coinwarz.com/
  • CryptoCompare — https://www.cryptocompare.com/
  • CryptoZone — https://cryptozone.com/
  • Crypto-Coinz — https://www.crypto-coinz.net/crypto-calculator/

Основной аналог Whattomine, это сервис 2CryptoCalc и Minerstat. Удобство данных калькуляторов майнинга в том, что они доступны на русском зыке. Так же вы можете выбрать другую валюту для расчета (UAH, RUB).

По большому счету, они повторяет функционал Whattomine, хотя немного лучше адоптированы для рынка СНГ. Об этих калькуляторах мы напишем отдельный пост.

Мы же рекомендуем вам пользоваться самым популярным калькулятором для майнинга Whattomine.

Необходимые инструменты и гайды для майнинга:

  • Биржа Bybit. Основная биржа майнеров для вывода криптовалюты с пулов. На бирже есть практически все монеты. Так же вывод денег на карты или платежные сервисы.
  • Майнинг на домашнем ПК с одной видеокартой. Пошаговый гайд по запуску майнинга на домашнем ПК.
  • Hive OS. Лучшая операционная система для майнинга и пул для BTC, RVN, ETC, KAS.
  • Настройка материнской платы для майнинга. Как настроить материнскую плату для работы 4 и более видеокарт одновременно.
  • Майнинг ферма. Как работает ферма и как ее собрать.

Factors Influencing Price

Several factors can influence the price of Ethena (ENA) in the coming years. These include market trends, technological advancements, potential partnerships, regulatory developments, and overall market sentiment.

Market Trends: The overall trend in the cryptocurrency market can have a significant impact on the price of Ethena (ENA). Bullish market conditions, characterized by increased investor confidence and growing adoption, will likely drive higher prices.

Technological Advancements: Continued innovation and development within the Ethena (ENA) ecosystem can enhance its utility and appeal to investors, leading to price appreciation. Upgrades to the platform, such as improved scalability and security features, can contribute to long-term growth.

Potential Partnerships: Strategic partnerships with other blockchain projects, financial institutions, or technology companies can expand Ethena (ENA)’s reach and unlock new opportunities for growth. Collaborations that enhance interoperability and usability can positively impact the price of the cryptocurrency.

Regulatory Developments: Regulatory clarity and compliance with existing regulations are crucial for Ethena’s (ENA) long-term success. Positive regulatory developments that provide a clear framework for cryptocurrencies can boost investor confidence and drive prices higher.

Overall Market Sentiment: Investor sentiment plays a significant role in determining the price of Ethena (ENA) and other cryptocurrencies. Positive news, market developments, and community engagement can create a bullish sentiment, leading to increased demand and higher prices.

Related also: https://cryptoboom.com/osmosis-osmo-price-prediction-2024-2025-2030-2035-is-it-worth-holding-for-long-term/

Калькулятор по монете в Whattomine (Coins). Окупаемость и прибыльность с учетом стоимости оборудования и комиссии пула

Если вы уже определились c монетой, хотите просчитать доходность с учетом вашего хешрейта, окупаемость с учетом стоимости розетки и оборудования, либо отслеживать сложность сети и комиссионные вознаграждения, вам во вкладку Coins.

Тут вы можете посчитать окупаемость с учетом цен на электричество, стоимости оборудования, сложности сети, комиссии пула, и вознаграждения за блок.

Переходим во вкладку Coin и выбираем монету. В нашем случае, мы выбираем Ravencoin.

Выбрав монету, мы попадаем в еще один калькулятор майнинга whattomine.

Калькулятор Ravencoin в Whattomine

Как пользоваться данным калькулятором whattomine:

  • Hash rate — указываете хешрейт ваших видеокарт
  • Power — потребления в ваттах ваших видеокарт
  • Cost — стоимость одного киловатта в центах
  • Block reward — вознаграждение за блок (данное значение можно изменять вручную, нажав на синюю кнопку Enable)
  • Fees — комиссия пулов. Мы рекомендуем пул Hiveon и биржа Bybit одна из самых надежных связок.
  • Hardware cost — стоимость оборудования. Тут можно указать все на что потрачены деньги. Это могут быть не только видеокарты, но и другие комплектующие майнинг фермы.
  • Difficulty — сложность сети. Поля подсвеченные серым цветом заполняются автоматически.
  • Exchange rate — обменный курс на BTC.
  • BTC value — курс Биткоина.
  • Block reward value — вознаграждение за блок. Выбираем Average last 7 days, среднее значение за 7 дней.
  • Difficulty value — сложность сети. Так же выбираем среднее значение за последние 7 дней.

Заполнив значения, нажимаем Calculate.

Ниже в таблице есть столбец Profit, который покажет профит за час (hour), за день (Day), за неделю (Week), за месяц (Month).

В левой таблице, где доступна информация по монете, в самом низу будет поле Break even inc: — это количество дней окупаемости оборудования.

Мы для примера указали хешрейт и стоимость видеокарты RTX 3070. Окупаемость на данный момент 642 дня.

Исторические данные доходности в Whattomine

Ниже есть таблица с историческими данными доходности, основываясь на значениях которые вы ввели в калькулятор ваттумайн.

Вы можете увидеть сколько карта приносила за последний час, день, три дня, неделю. А график показывает изменение предполагаемой доходности (est. rewards), вознаграждению в биткоине (rev. BTC), доходе (Revenue, без учета электроэнергии) и прибыли ( Profit, с учетом расходов на электроэнергию и доход).

Простой калькулятор майнинга whattomine для расчета доходности и окупаемости.

Ethena (ENA) Buying Guide

Purchasing Ethena (ENA) is a straightforward process that involves a few key steps:

  • Choosing an Exchange: Ethena (ENA) is available on several exchanges, including Binance, Kucoin, Bybit Bitget, and HTX. Investors should choose an exchange that best suits their needs in terms of fees, security, and user interface.
  • Setting Up an Account: Once an exchange is selected, investors need to set up an account by providing some personal information and undergoing a verification process.
  • Selecting Payment Methods: After the account is verified, investors can link a payment method to fund their account. Most exchanges accept bank transfers, credit cards, and sometimes even PayPal.
  • Storing Ethena (ENA) Securely: After purchasing Ethena (ENA), it’s essential to store it securely. While it can be kept in the exchange wallet, a more secure option is to transfer it to a private wallet, such as a hardware wallet, especially for long-term holdings.

Whattomine GPU калькулятор

Таблица доходности видеокарт GPU в Whattomine

В данной таблице, больше всего нас будет интересовать столбец Rev. $ и Profit, а так же Profitability current, 24h, 3 days, 7 days. Это результирующая таблица в whattomine calculator.

  • Rev. $ — доход без учета электричества (розетки)
  • Profit — доход с учетом электричества
  • Profitability current — текущая рентабельность
  • Profitability 24h — рентабельность за 24 часа
  • Profitability 3 days — рентабельность за 3 дня
  • Profitability 7 days — рентабельность за 7 дней

При выборе монеты для майнинга, рекомендуем обращать в whattomine на эти столбцы внимание. С доходом все понятно, а вот рентабельность показывает колебание доходности

Если вы выберите Sort by — Profitability 7 days, а в Difficulty for revenue — Average last 7 days, вы увидите какую монету выгоднее всего было майнить за последние 7 дней. Многие делают ошибку и смотрят текущий день, в итоге, из за колебания курса, они могут увидеть монету которая сегодня из за пампа показывает самый большой профит, но на дистанции в 7 дней, она будет где то далеко внизу.

Ethereum Mining Calculator Summary

  1. Enter the hash rate of the Ethereum miner you’re planning to use (mandatory)
  2. Enter additional info such as electricity costs, pool fees, etc. The more information you put in, the more accurate the results will be.
  3. Results will be displayed automatically in USD (to see the detailed calculation, click “Show Details”).
  4. Some values (e.g. exchange rate, difficulty) are updated automatically. You can adjust any value manually to simulate possible scenarios.

If you want a detailed explanation about the different fields of the calculator and what you should take into account keep on reading. Here’s what I’ll cover:

Our Ethereum Calculator

The Ethereum calculator works to help you understand the value of your Ethereum purchase – whether you need to know how much it would take to buy or to sell the cryptocurrency. Our Ethereum calculator draws in data from exchange rates and price indicators to provide the value you are seeking. The formula used by the Ethereum calculator is relatively simple:
value in USD = exchange rate x amount of Ethereum.

The reason to use our Ethereum calculator is because you gain access to the most up-to-date data to make this calculation. Whether you want to know the value in dollars or reverse the process and find out how many coins you can get for your buck, the information is there and updated in real-time. This allows you to keep control of your investment, as you can use the Ethereum calculator at whatever point and know the numbers.

Using the Ethereum calculator is a certain way of being the most up-to-date with your cryptocurrency values. With the ups and downs of all financial markets, it is crucial to be fully informed at all times.

What is WEI?

is the smallest denomination of ether, the currency used to facilitate transactional operations on the Ethereum blockchain network, where 10^18 or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 wei is equivalent to one ether.Wei is named after Wei Dai, a computer science graduate of the University of Washington who formerly worked in the cryptography research department at Microsoft. Wei Dai was part of a cypherpunk movement in the 1990s whose members developed the theoretical underpinnings for cryptocurrencies in the 2010s. For his innovation of bmoney, discussed in a self-published proto-crypto manifesto which laid the foundation for smart contracts, the atomic unit of ether is named after him.Since all services and applications built on top of the Ethereum network require computational power, which is not freely available, some form of payment for the computational power is required.Although ether is the currency of the network, it is often metaphorically referred to as the “fuel” of the Ethereum network. Its utility value as a cryptofuel is commonly referred to as “gas”.Gas is a core part of all network requests and the sender of requests is required to pay for consumed computing resources. The overall gas cost is calculated based on both the volume and complexity of the request multiplied by the current gas price.

Unit Alternative Name Wei Value Gwei Value Ether Value



1 Wei

10^-9 Gwei

10^-18 ETH



10^3 Wei

10^-6 Gwei

10^-15 ETH



10^6 Wei

10^-3 Gwei

10^-12 ETH



10^9 Wei

1 Gwei

10^-9 ETH



10^12 Wei

10^3 Gwei

10^-6 ETH



10^15 Wei

10^6 Gwei

10^-3 ETH


10^18 Wei

10^9 Gwei


What are the denominations of Wei?

While the US dollar can only be divided into 100 equal parts i.e. into pennies, cryptocurrencies can be divided into much smaller atomic units. 

These units ensure appropriate denotation of ether that may appear to be relatively small but is in fact a larger amount when converted to US dollars or other major currencies. 

Therefore, ether has multiple different levels of wei. Each subunit indicates the quantity of units but as mentioned above, have alternative names.

What is Gwei?

Gwei, a blend of the words wei and giga, a unit prefix for billion, is another denomination of ether, the digital currency used on the Ethereum blockchain network. There are 1 billion wei in one gwei and there are . Gwei is also referred to as nanoether or Shannon, after Claude Shannon, a prominent American mathematician and cryptographer who’s regarded as the father of information theory. 

By virtue of how gas prices function and are denoted, Gwei is the most commonly used unit of ether. As gas is the pricing value deemed necessary to execute a contract or other form of transaction on the Ethereum network, gwei is needed to pay for the computational power. 

The standard transaction fee is 21,000 gwei on the Ethereum blockchain network. Typically, transaction fees will rise proportionately to the underlying complexity of the transaction 

In July 2021, as part of the London Hard Fork, Ethereum Investment Proposal (EIP) 1559 changed the Ethereum blockchain network’s fee mechanism. Formerly, developers and the broader ecosystem had to rely upon a price auction, where the highest bidder would have their transaction processed first. 

With the introduction of EIP-1559, a discrete base-fee would be registered for transactions to be included in the next block. Nevertheless, certain individuals can add a “tip” or “priority fee” to ensure a miner prioritizes their transaction. Developers interested in a deeper understanding of how to send transactions using EIP-1559 can read Alchemy’s EIP-1559 documentation. 

The methodology to calculate the transaction fee is by using the following formula: 

Gas Units (Limit) x (Base Fee + Tip)

Ultimately, fees based on block demand are far more straightforward and transparent for users today. In addition, developers can build a gas-fee estimator using EIP-1559 methods through Alchemy. 

Detailed Yearly Predictions


In 2024, Ethena (ENA) is expected to experience significant growth, with its maximum price projected to reach $2.50. This surge in price can be attributed to several factors, including increased platform adoption, favorable market conditions, and strategic partnerships. Additionally, the average price is estimated to be $1.25, while the minimum price is predicted to hover around $0.98.


By 2025, Ethena (ENA) is anticipated to further solidify its position in the market, with the maximum price reaching $3.96. This upward trajectory can be attributed to continued development efforts, new market expansion, and investor confidence. The average price is forecasted to be $3.19, with a minimum price of $2.23.


Looking ahead to 2030, Ethena (ENA) is poised for substantial growth, with the maximum price expected to soar to $8.69. This significant increase in price can be attributed to the maturation of the platform, widespread adoption, and integration with various financial systems. The average price is predicted to be $6.11, while the minimum price is projected to be $4.50.


By 2035, Ethena (ENA) is forecasted to reach new heights, with the maximum price expected to hit $12.05. This exponential growth is driven by the continued evolution of the platform, advancements in technology, and the establishment of Ethena (ENA) as a leading player in the cryptocurrency space. The average price is anticipated to be $10.70, with a minimum price of $8.22.

Ethereum vs. Bitcoin

Ethereum is often used to be compared to Bitcoin. While they share many similarities with each other, potential investors must be aware that there are important differences.
Ethereum is described as «the most programmable blockchain in the world», positioning itself as an electronic network with many applications. The Bitcoin blockchain, however, was created solely to support the bitcoin cryptocurrency.
21 million are the maximum number that can be issued in bitcoins. While there is no limit on the amount of ETH that can exist, the time taken to process a block can limit how much ether can ever be minted per year. The total number of Ethereum coins currently in circulation was over 118 million as of 2021.
A major difference between the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks is how they treat transaction processing fees. These fees, which are called «gas» on Ethereum, are paid to participants in Ethereum transactions. The fees associated with Bitcoin transactions can be absorbed by the larger Bitcoin network.
Both Bitcoin and Ethereum are very similar in that they consume enormous amounts of energy. Each of these Blockchains uses the proof of work protocol. This protocol requires large computing power to validate transactions and mint new currency. Ethereum is transitioning gradually to a different operating protocol called proof of stake. This uses much less energy.

Ethereum’s Price Volatility

One of the biggest factors that make or break any cryptocurrency mining operation is the price of the cryptocurrency being mined. Ethereum, which is the second largest cryptocurrency in the markets by market capitalization, is no stranger to price volatility. While it may appear more ‘stable’ compared to Bitcoin in terms of its price rise and falls — Ether has had its fair share of ups and downs in the past.

In 2016, Ethereum’s price went from $0.9 to $19.93 — and the currency closed the year at $7.9. However, Ethereum’s biggest year came in 2017-18 when the currency bounced from $7.9 to a high of over $1,370 in mid-January 2018. The currency has since been going through a slowdown but who knows what the future holds for Ethereum. The bottom line here is that there is a lot of volatility when it comes to the price of Ethereum. If you were someone who has been mining since the currency was in double-digits, you’d probably know it. However, for those who started mining once Ethereum hit the four-digit mark, this may be a little shocking.

What determines this price movement of Ethereum is more or less the same laws that govern every other cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. As the demand for Ethereum rises, the price starts to surge and as the demand falls, the price falls too. However, unlike Bitcoin, which is fixed in number, Ethereum is not limited in quantity and hence does not have a ‘rarity’ factor associated to it which Bitcoin has — which is one of the biggest reasons for the price of Ethereum to be relatively stable.
Even the Ethereum News can impact the price volatility of it a lot. So you can keep on it regularly.

Our Ethereum mining calculator is critical for any person involved in mining for Ethereum as the price volatility needs to be checked from time to time. If you started mining when Ethereum was $900 and the current price is $600 — you need to take a look at how it has impacted your progress. Similarly, if you started at $600 and the price is now $900, our Ethereum mining calculator will help you determine the rise in your profits.

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum, as with other cryptocurrencies, uses blockchain technology. Imagine a very long chain with many blocks linked together. Every member of the network has all of this information. Each member of the network will have the same knowledge of blockchain. This functions as an electronic ledger. Distributed consensus can then be established and maintained about the state of the blockchain.
Blockchain technology creates a distributed consensus on the state and status of the Ethereum network. New blocks are added into the long Ethereum blockchain to process Ethereum transactions, mint new ether currencies, and execute smart contracts to support Ethereum dApps.
The decentralized nature of cryptography technology provides security for the Ethereum network. The Ethereum blockchain network is managed by a large network of computers all over the globe. For any changes to be made, distributed consensus must be reached—majority agreement. An individual or group would need to hold majority control of the Ethereum platform’s computing power. This would be a daunting task, if possible, in order to successfully manipulate the Ethereum Blockchain.
The Ethereum platform is able to support more applications than ETH, and other cryptocurrencies. The Ethereum platform’s users have the ability to publish, monetize, create and use a range of applications. Payments can be made with ETH or any other cryptocurrency.

How to calculate value of Ethereum investment?

You can find out how much money you have made with our free Ethereum profit calculator! Use this Ethereum money calculator to find out the current value of Ethereum, and how much your past investment is worth now!
Ethereum, which is powered by blockchain technology, is well-known as its native cryptocurrency, ether (or simply Ethereum). Ethereum is secure because of the distributed nature of blockchain technology. This security allows ETH’s value to grow. The Ethereum platform can support ether as well as a network.
The Ethereum platform was founded on the concept of cryptocurrencies. They are an integral part of the platform’s operation. There are many.
Many other applications make use of smart contracts and blockchain technology in conjunction with smart contracts.

Is Ethereum considered a cryptocurrency?

The Ethereum platform offers a native cryptocurrency known as ether. Ethereum itself is a decentralized platform for blockchain technology. It supports a variety dApps, including cryptocurrencies. The ETH coin is also known as Ethereum. However, Ethereum is a blockchain-powered cryptocurrency and ether is its currency.
Check out this link for more information!
Disclaimer! None of the authors, contributors, administrators, vandals, or anyone else connected with PureCalculators, in any way whatsoever, can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from this article.

How Can Crypto Investors Use Ethena (ENA)?

There are several ways in which crypto investors can utilize Ethena (ENA):

  • Buy and Hold: Investors can purchase Ethena (ENA) and hold onto it, expecting its value to appreciate over time. This strategy is suitable for investors who believe in the project’s long-term potential and aim to accumulate tokens for future gains.
  • Trade: Active traders can engage in buying and selling Ethena (ENA) on cryptocurrency exchanges to capitalize on price fluctuations. This approach requires market knowledge and timing to execute profitable trades effectively.
  • Use the Platform: Investors can leverage the Ethena (ENA) platform to perform various tasks and earn ENA tokens as rewards. This can include participating in liquidity mining, providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges, or staking tokens to earn passive income.

When to convert Ethereum

Using our Ethereum calculator should help you in your decision of when to buy and when to sell. It will keep you in touch with the latest trends in price and value. Understanding the trends of cryptocurrency is crucial when trading in Ethereum. Therefore, it is a good idea to research and show interest in the digital currency ecosystem.

The value of Ethereum is slightly different to Bitcoin, which is a peer-to-peer transaction mechanism. Ethereum is a means of entering into smart contracts – or agreements with others that are binding. This means that the price of Ether is likely to go up and down for other reasons than the number of Ether being bought and sold. This means using the Ethereum calculator before using an Ethereum converter keeps you in the loop for making the most out of your investment.

Ultimately, the value of Ethereum may never reach the heights of Bitcoin – the original cryptocurrency. However, like Bitcoin, it is likely to be the million-dollar question about when to buy and sell. Although the Ether is a means of transacting on the Ethereum network, it is also traded in a similar way as a commodity. If someone dumps a lot of Ether in one go then the laws of supply and demand will drive the price down. This makes answering questions about when to use an Ethereum converter difficult and down to the individual’s judgement.

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