Мониторинг geth с помощью influxdb и grafana: эффективное управление данными

How to monitor your Ethereum Node

EthCC was a blast, not only for the energy of the ecosystem, but also for how our workshop was received by node operators from a dozens of projects.

I was stunned to see how many professionals are struggling with monitoring their infrastructure, often using some outdated Grafana Dashboard or the default monitoring system of a cloud provider.

Let’s get right into it.


The first order of business is to install netdata on a machine that is already running Geth.

Note: Make sure you run Geth with the flag. Netdata expects the metric server to live in port and be accessible by . If you have modifed that, we will need to make a configuration change in the collector so that we point it to your custom port.

To install Netdata, run:

Enter fullscreen modeExit fullscreen mode

Visit the Netdata dashboard at .

For illustration purposes, we run a public test Geth server at

Action plan

We will not cover every single metric that is surfaced by Netdata. Instead, we will focus on a few important ones.

For these metrics, we will:

  1. Talk about what the particular system metric means in general.
  2. Discuss how to read these system metrics, no matter the workload.
  3. Analyze how Geth affects these system metrics.

How to read the dashboard

The dashboard is organized into 4 main areas:

  • The top utility bar. Particularly important to access the time picker and running alerts.
  • The main section where the charts are displayed.
  • The right menu which organizes our charts into sections and submenus. For example, the system overview section has many different submenus (e.g cpu) and each submenu has different charts.
  • The left menu which concerns Netdata Cloud.

eBPF charts

Netdata offers a handful of eBPF charts out-of-the-box. With eBPF we can see in a per-application basis how the application is directly interacting with the Operating System (e.g how many it does to ).

Although they are not particularly useful for Node Operators, they are very useful to Developers. Using Netdata, they can verify for example that their application is not having a memory leak or that it’s not forgetting to close a file that it opened.

If you are a developer in a Ethereum client, please do check out the eBPF charts. We would be grateful for you to try them in your workflow and share any feedback you may have over Discord or our Community Forums.

Although I won’t go into the metrics themselves, here are some resources about eBPF as a technology:

  • Documentation — What is eBPF
  • Blog-post — Learn eBPF Tracing: Tutorial and Examples
  • Youtube — eBPF + Netdata

Что такое Etherscan?

Сервис Etherscan это обозреватель для блокчейна Ethereum и токенов, созданных по стандарту ERC-20, или ERC-721. Etherscan предоставляет информацию о событиях внутри экосистемы Ethereum. Он полезен для обычных пользователей, которые могут легко запутаться в столбцах технических данных. Сервис индексирует и упрощает, а затем представляет информацию о блокчейне ETH на сайте Etherscan в доступной, прозрачной форме.

Основное предназначение сайта — поддерживать возможность поиска каждой отдельной транзакции в цепочке эфириума. Etherscan не является торговой платформой или брокерской компанией, а также не предоставляет услуги кошелька и, не хранит личные ключи пользователей.

Crypto Wallet Tracking Script – Code Walkthrough

Initialize another NodeJS app. Then, create a new “index.js” file and first require Moralis and “dotenv”:

const Moralis = require("moralis").default;

const { EvmChain } = require("@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils");


You must also create a “.env” file and store your Moralis Web3 API key in that file under the “MORALIS_KEY” variable. At this point, you should have your Moralis account up and running, and you can obtain your Web3 API key from your admin area in these two simple steps:

With your API key in place, it’s time to initialize Moralis by adding the following lines of code below the “require (“dotenv”).config();” line:


    apiKey: process.env.MORALIS_KEY,


Next, you need to define the stream’s options. These are the lines of code to use:

async function streams(){

  const options = {

    chains: ,

      tag: "transfers",

  description: "Listen to Transfers",

    includeContractLogs: false,

    includeNativeTxs: true,

    webhookUrl: "your webhook url"


Looking at the above code snippet, you can see that it defines a chain to focus on, a description, a tag, and a webhook URL. If you remember the Web3 Streams UI, you see that we are defining the same options as requested by the stream’s configuration. By setting “includeContractLogs” to “false“, we are not listening to ERC20 transactions. Also, by setting “includeNativeTxs” to “true“, we are focusing on native currency transfers. For the Mumbai network, that’s “test” MATIC. So, all you have to do is copy-paste the above lines of code to your “index.js” file and replace “your webhook url” with the above-obtained “ngrok” URL:

As highlighted in the above image, do not forget to add “/webhook” at the end of your URL. 

Create a New Stream

At this point, you have everything ready to finally implement the lines of code provided in the introduction of today’s article. So, inside the stream’s “async” function of your “index.js” file below “webhookUrl“, add these simple lines of code:

const newStream = await Moralis.Streams.add(options)

  const {id} = newStream.toJSON();

  const address = "wallet_address_you_want_to_track";

  await Moralis.Streams.addAddress({address, id})




The “Moralis.Streams.add(options)” method takes the above-defined options and creates a new stream. Then, the code gets the ID of the new stream with “const {id}“. Next, it defines a wallet address to monitor. Here, make sure to replace “wallet_address_you_want_to_track” with your address (the one you can test). By using the “Moralis.Streams.addAddress” method, you add the wallet address to your stream based on its ID. Finally, the above code console logs “Fin“, which signals it has done its thing.  

Again, use the “node index.js” command to run this “stream-creating” sample script. As a result, you should see “Fin” in your terminal:

If you now open the terminal again where you are running your local Express server, you should see the empty webhook initializing: 

With everything set up correctly, we encourage you to test your stream – use your MetaMask and transfer some “test” MATIC from or to the address you added above. As a result, you’ll be able to see the details of your test transaction in your terminal:  

Как проверить смарт-контракт на Etherscan?

Чтобы гарантировать, что информация о токенах в Etherscan актуальна и подтверждена, крайне важно, чтобы адрес контракта токена был проверен в сети. Это делается для того, чтобы код контракта был именно таким, каким он отображается в приложении, а также позволяет членам сообщества Ethereum/Etherscan читать и даже проверять контракт, если они того пожелают

Etherscan требует, чтобы все контракты токенов были проверены, прежде чем они могут быть обновлены любой информацией, предоставленной самим владельцем контракта, тем самым обеспечивая соблюдение мер безопасности. Если владелец контракта желает проверить контракт, он должен:

  1. Открыть
  2. Перейти в меню и затем нажать «Дополнительно».
  3. Нажать «Проверить контракт».
  4. Ввести ключевую информацию контракта, включая адрес. Затем нажать «Продолжить».
  5. На следующей странице добавить раздел кода, относящийся к смарт-контракту, в первое поле. Затем поставить галочку в поле reCAPTCHA.
  6. Наконец, нажать «Проверить и опубликовать». Теперь контракт должен быть проверен и загружен в сеть.

Monitor your Ethereum wallets with ease

Instead of having to manually check your wallets, you just need to look up the Ethereum wallet addresses of interest and add them to Tenderly. Once you add them, you can set up different alerts, automate responses, or inspect wallet-related transactions in greater detail. With Tenderly’s wallet support, you can stay up to date with everything happening with your wallets with minimal effort.

So, now it’s up to you! Create a Tenderly account and experiment with your own scenarios for crypto wallet monitoring. And if you come across something interesting, feel free to share it with us – we’re always keeping track of what’s going on!

Monitoring the Ethereum Blockchain

In this section, we will cover how to monitor the Ethereum blockchain by starting the node app and exploring the dashboard’s features.

Starting the Node App

To start monitoring the Ethereum blockchain, you need to begin by setting up and running the node app. This app serves as a connection to the network, allowing you to access and track various transactions and data on the blockchain.

By starting the node app, you’ll be able to get real-time updates on the Ethereum network’s activity, including new blocks being added and transactions taking place.

Starting the Frontend Interface

To start the frontend interface for monitoring the Ethereum blockchain, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps. Once you have successfully started the node app, which we covered in the previous section, you can proceed with starting the frontend interface.

This interface will allow you to visualize and interact with the data collected by your monitoring tools. By accessing this user-friendly dashboard, you will be able to explore various features and metrics related to Ethereum’s transaction history, wallet balances, and more.

It is a component of effectively monitoring and analyzing activity on the Ethereum blockchain. With your frontend interface up and running, you’ll have all the necessary tools at your disposal to keep a close eye on this decentralized network and stay informed about its transactions and trends.

Exploring the Dashboard and Its Features

The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the Ethereum blockchain, allowing you to monitor and analyze its activity in real-time. Here are the key features and functionalities of the dashboard:

  1. Real-time transaction tracking: The dashboard displays live updates on incoming and outgoing transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. You can see the transaction hash, sender and receiver addresses, timestamp, gas price, and other relevant details.
  2. Block information: It provides details about newly mined blocks, including block number, miner address, timestamp, gas limit, and difficulty level. This information helps you understand the overall health of the blockchain network.
  3. Network statistics: The dashboard presents vital network statistics such as block time, gas usage, pending transactions, and average block size. These metrics give insights into the network’s performance and scalability.
  4. Address monitoring: You can track specific Ethereum wallet addresses using the dashboard. By entering an address, you get real-time updates on its balance and transaction history.
  5. Smart contract monitoring: The dashboard allows you to monitor smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. You can view contract addresses, their bytecode, ABI (Application Binary Interface), events emitted by contracts, and more.
  6. Historical data analysis: The dashboard provides access to historical data on transactions, blocks, gas prices, and other blockchain metrics. This allows you to perform in-depth analysis and identify trends or patterns over time.
  7. Customization options: You can customize your dashboard by selecting which metrics or data to display based on your monitoring needs. This flexibility enables you to focus on specific aspects of the Ethereum blockchain that are relevant to your use case.
  8. Visualization tools: The dashboard offers visual representation options such as charts and graphs to help you better understand complex data sets. These visualizations make it easier for users to interpret blockchain activity at a glance.
  9. Integration with external tools: Depending on the chosen monitoring tool or platform, some dashboards may offer integrations with external analytics tools or services. This allows for further analysis, reporting, and collaboration.
  10. User-friendly interface: The dashboard is designed to be user-friendly with intuitive navigation and clear labeling of features. This ensures that even users with limited technical expertise can easily explore and understand the data presented.

Monitor Ethereum Address – How to Monitor a Wallet Address on Ethereum

Let’s first show you how you can set up a Web3 wallet tracker using Moralis’ admin UI. Since you need an active Moralis account to access the admin area, make sure to create your free Moralis account now in case you haven’t done so yet. You can use the link in the intro or hit the “Start for Free” button in the top-right corner of Moralis’ homepage:

If you want to test your progress as you proceed with today’s tutorial, you’ll also need your MetaMask and some “test” MATIC. In case you need help adding the Polygon Mumbai testnet to your MetaMask and some guidance on obtaining “test” MATIC, we explain all of that in our article exploring a Polygon Mumbai faucet.  

Crypto Wallet Tracking with Moralis Admin UI

Once inside your Moralis admin area, select the “Streams” option from the side menu, followed by a click on the “Create a new stream” button:

Next, select the “Create it from Admin” option:

To monitor an Ethereum address, you need to provide an address. For testing purposes, the simplest way is typically to open your MetaMask and copy your address from there:

Then, paste it into the “Add Address to Stream” entry field:

By entering a wallet address that you want to listen to, the UI will automatically present you with stream configuration options. To use your streams for production purposes, you need to provide a webhook URL and switch from “Demo” to “Prod”:

We do not need to provide a webhook URL. For the description and tag fields, we can use the default options. As such, we can proceed to network selection. Since Moralis is fully cross-chain interoperable, you can target all leading EVM-compatible blockchain networks. However, we will focus on the Mumbai testnet:

In the fourth step of our stream setup, we will only select the contract interactions since we are interested in tracking ERC20 tokens:

The “Advanced Options” enable you to filter your tracking agenda further. For example, you can use a smart contract’s ABI to target specific smart contract functions. You can also add multiple other filters, but for the sake of this demo, we won’t use any advanced options.

Example Transaction

Finally, we execute a transaction of Chainlink (LINK) tokens on the Mumbai testnet:

Our demo stream picks up the above transaction instantaneously:

The above screenshot shows that the stream not only detects the on-chain event but also fetches the related on-chain data. As such, you can see the transaction hash, the smart contract involved in the event, the “from” and “to” addresses, the transferred value, and more. Accordingly, you have a trigger plus a lot of useful details that you can neatly incorporate in all sorts of dapps or notifications/bots.

Crypto Wallet Tracking with Moralis’ JS SDK

As mentioned above, another way to use Web3 streams from Moralis is by incorporating them programmatically. For most production purposes, this tends to be a preferred method. Therefore, let’s look at the scripts that will make it possible to use NodeJS to create a backend dapp that detects and logs on-chain events.

Before we can focus on creating our stream, we need to have a server that will receive a webhook. For that purpose, we can create a simple NodeJS Express app with a “webhook” endpoint. These are the lines of code that you should copy-paste into your “index.js” file:

const express = require("express");

const app = express();

const port = 3000;

app.use(express.json());"/webhook", async (req, res) => {

  const {body} = req;

  try {


  } catch (e) {


    return res.status(400).json();


    return res.status(200).json();


app.listen(port, () => {

  console.log(`Listening to streams`);


Note: If you are not experienced with creating NodeJS applications and setting up Express servers, use our “Quickstart NodeJS” guide. 

Once you have the above script set in place, use your terminal and run the following command:

npm run start

As a result, your terminal should return the “Listening to streams” message: 

Then, open another terminal, and use “ngrok” to create a tunnel to port “3000“. This will generate a URL address serving your stream’s webhook URL. To do this, use the following command:

ngrok http 3000

Now that you have your local server and tunnel ready, it’s time to take a closer look at the code that will make crypto wallet tracking possible. This is also where you’ll learn to paste the above-marked URL address in the right place.

С чего начать майнинг Эфира.

Прежде всего у вас должно быть оборудование или деньги на него. Майнинг с точки зрения экономики — это инвестирование. Оборудование в случае Эфира это видеокарты AMD RX с 8 Гб видеопамяти или Nvidia с 6 гб, или больше

Почему так важен именно такой объём оперативной памяти у видеокарт для майнинга в сети Ethereum, почему нельзя использовать видеокарты с объёмом 3 Гб или 4 Гб? Важно знать, что при майнинге Эфира в память видеокарты загружается специальный DAG-файл, который со временем растёт. Такие промежутки роста называются Эпохами

Так вот в этом фале содержится, грубо говоря, полный список всех совершённых транзакций за всё существование блокчейна с момента запуска, соответственно в память некоторых видеокарт он просто будет неспособен поместиться.

Добывать криптовалюту можно на видеокартах, асиках и даже на жёстких дисках (и это не шутка), но в код Эфира встроена специальная защита от асиков, ибо они способны подорвать экономику этой электронной монеты. Подходящими видеокартами для майнинга являются те, которые потребляют меньше всего электроэнергии, но при этом дают отличный Хэшрейт (скорость майнинга). Эта самая скорость или мощность зависит не только от самой видеокарты, её ядра или памяти, но также и от алгоритма майнинга. Эфир майнится на алгоритме Dagger-Hashimoto, и лучше всего он работает на картах от AMD особенно серии RX. Вот из таких видеокарт вполне можно собрать ферму, и начать майнить ETH.

Какими видеокартами майнить эфир.

Самые профитные (выгодные) видеокарты это:

  • AMD Rx 470 8 gb — 28-30 Mh/s
  • AMD Rx 480 8 gb — 30-31 Mh/s
  • AMD Rx 570 8 gb — 28-30 Mh/s
  • AMD Rx 580 8 gb — 30-31 Mh/s
  • AMD Rx 5700 XT 8gb — 55 Mh/s
  • Nvidia RTX 3080 — до 90 Mh/s
  • Nvidia RTX 3070 — 64 Mh/s
  • Nvidia RTX 3060 — около 50 Mh/s

Не стоит забывать про окупаемость видеокарт, поскольку сборка фермы для майнинга это инвестирование, логично будет постоянно высчитывать срок окупаемости исходя из доходности всей фермы, которая зависит от курса и сложности сети. К этому нужно добавить плату за электроэнергию. Помочь в этом могут разные калькуляторы майнинга в интернетах. Лично я пользуюсь одним сервисом, который позволяет выяснить, какую криптовалюту выгоднее всего майнить на определённых картах, с расчётами дохода и расходов на электричество.

Лучшие пулы Ethereum.

На этом этапе возникает вопрос: “на каком пуле лучше майнить ethereum?” Перед тем, как подобрать верный пул для своих нужд, необходимо определиться с операционной системой и с количеством видеокарт. К примеру на HiveOS можно бесплатно майнить Эфир, имея четыре рига, но на пуле Hiveon. Если у вас больше ригов или вы хотите майнить Эфир на другом пуле, то придётся подключать билинг систему, которая будет взимать 3% от дохода каждого рига. Это сравнительно небольшая плата, тем более уж за использование лучшей операционной системы для майнинга.

На в данный момент проходит коллаборация с пулом 2miners, и если вы майните Эфир на их пуле, то использование данной операционной системы для вас будет бесплатно.

Если же вы планируете майнить ETH на одной видеокарте в своём игровом ПК, то можете использовать NiceHash, соответственно на их фирменном пуле…но лучше уж прибегнуть к другому варианту, из-за недостатка доверия к сервису.

Иными словами, если у вас мало мощностей или одна видеокарта, то логичнее будет майнить под Windows 10 на пуле от биржи Binance.

В чём плюсы? В том, что минимальная выплата на пуле Binance не имеет чёткого значения, точнее, всё что вы намайните, отправится на ваш ETH-кошелёк биржи.

Не забудьте создать в разделе пула аккаунт для майнинга криптовалюты ETH.

Выплаты с майнинга будут поступать на баланс биржи раз в сутки.

Это даёт преимущества: в торговле между разными валютными парами, скажем, для долгосрочного хранения различных альткоинов в ожидании взлёта их стоимости; и самое главное – вы сможете выводить добытые средства себе на карту без комиссий, используя P2P-торговлю. К примеру: переводите ETH на P2P-кошелёк и совершаете обмен на любую валюту, которую хотите получить на свой банковский счёт, тот же Сбербанк или Qiwi.

На что нужно обращать внимание кроме юзабилити и удобства пула?

Самое важное в пуле для майнинга это его общий хешрейт (общая вычислительная мощность всех участвующий майнеров, подключённых к сети пула), и пинг. Чем меньше пинг до пула, тем меньше вероятности получить невалидную шару (решение, которое вы нашли, может не принять пул из-за задержки, грубо говоря, она становится неактуальное)

Соответственно, чем меньше вы получаете невалидные решения, тем больше вы зарабатываете в итоге. Хотя правильнее будет назвать это экономией вложенных средств в оборудование для майнинга.

The improbable at scale

At scale, the improbable becomes probable: issues that have a 0.01% chance of triggering upon submitting an attestation (i.e: issues that manifest 1 in 1000 attestations) will take on average ~44 days to manifest on a single validation key. But they take only ~384 seconds to manifest themselves when operating 10,000 validation keys!

Whenever a probabilistic issue impacting operations appears on specific conditions or set of conditions, it is important to:

  1. First, be aware of those conditions by logging extensively in all components involved, and
  2. Second, be able to compare them with prior similar-looking events, to understand what is different this time

What follows are some of the key events in the life of a validator and their expected frequencies.

Probability of proposing a block

Every 12 seconds, a block is proposed by a selected validator on the network. The probability of proposing a block is thus:


With ~400 000 validators on the network, this translates to:

  • for a single key, once every ~57 days,
  • for 10 keys, once every ~6 days,
  • for 100 keys, once every 13 hours,
  • for 1,000 keys, once every 80 minutes,
  • for 10,000 validation keys, once every 8 minutes.

Probability of being in a sync committee

Since the , every 256 epochs, 512 validators are chosen to participate in the sync committee, which gives the following formula:


With ~400 000 validators on the network, this translates to:

  • for a single key, every 30 months a key goes in sync committee for 27.3 hours,
  • for 10 keys, every 3 months a key goes in sync committee for 27.3 hours,
  • for 100 keys, every 9 days a key goes in sync committee for 27.3 hours,
  • for 1,000 keys, every day a key goes in sync committee for 27.3 hours,
  • for 10,000 validation keys, 27.3 hours every 2 hours.

Probability of submitting an attestation

Every epoch, all validators are expected to send an attestation on the network, this translates to:

  • or a single key, once every 6 minutes and a half,
  • for 10 keys, once every ~38 seconds,
  • for 100 keys, once every ~4 seconds,
  • for 1,000 keys, ~3 times per second,
  • for 10,000 validation keys, ~33 times per second.

Probability of operational upgrades

Being up-to-date at all layers of an infrastructure is critical to keep up with the protocol security, and upcoming changes. Doing so regularly dilutes the risk: N monthly incremental upgrades is less risky than 1 major upgrade every N months.

Looking at the release cycle of a software client such as Prysm, there is about 1 release every month that can be deployed to production, a similar cycle can be found on other parts involved. This leads to the following formula:


Assuming there are five layers involved, (machine, operating-system/container system, beacon node, execution node, validator), each taking about 10 minutes to upgrade, this translates to:

50 minutes every month for all managed keys.

Gotta catch ’em all

This is only the tip of the iceberg as those events are expected ones, in reality there are more layers involved and probabilistic events happening (network glitch, a machine reboot, …). These conditions can be combined together to create more intricate failure conditions and trigger more unlikely bugs.

For example of such a bug combining multiple events, some early implementations of the Doppelganger, which verifies at startup of a validator that no loaded key is active on the network, would prevent validators from starting if one of the loaded key was scheduled in a committee sync, while validator keys not in committee sync would load fine. This bug was fixed on the validator side once identified by large operators, the point here is that as an operator running at scale will be in the position to notice improbable issues that were not spotted before.

This highlights that it is important, to keep logs from all layers to be able to reconstruct timelines of unlikely combinations of events.

Be sure that you have:

  • Info logs of your validators, beacons & execution nodes,
  • Lower-level logs of your infrastructure (kernel, Kubernetes, …)
  • The same timezone used as reference throughout your infrastructure
  • At least 90 days of history on logging/metrics data

What can you track with Tenderly?

Ethereum wallet monitoring can bring invaluable benefits to many across the Web3 space, including smart contract developers, NFT traders, DAO participants, and oracle services. So, you can use Tenderly’s wallet functionalities in endless ways.

Here are a few scenarios that can get you started, but feel free to send your ideas our way.

Token transfers

The most straightforward action you can do with wallets is to . Remember – you don’t have to set up a separate alert for every wallet. You can tag multiple wallets when you configure the alert. This way, you’ll get notified each time one of the tagged wallets receives or sends an ETH token transfer.

Alerting for DAOs, multisig wallets, and vaults

In addition to alerts for successful and failed transactions, you can set up a sort of “allowlisted callers” alert. When you’re operating within a DAO or using a multisig wallet, there’s an expected pool of addresses that interact with the system. You can create a list of these users and set up an alert that will be triggered if someone outside the organization interacts with the wallet.

By the same token, you can also create a “blocklisted callers” alert that will notify you if someone on your persona non-grata address list or a known malicious address is interacting with your wallet. This can help you react quickly in situations such as hacks and exploits.

Balance tracking for bots, keepers, and oracles

Bots, keepers, and oracles must always be switched on. To ensure that they can work without disruption, it’s best to keep some ETH for gas fees on hand. And to do that, you need to monitor the balance of your wallet.

The easiest way to avoid a crisis is to set up an alert that will notify you when the ETH (or other network currency) balance drops under a threshold you specify. This will give you time to top off your account, so your processes continue running smoothly.

Higher-bidder alerts for NFT auctions

Monitoring certain Ethereum wallet addresses also helps you stay ahead of the competition. Here’s a scenario: You see a very cool NFT, maybe a Pikachu in a spacesuit floating around in…well, space. You badly want to buy it, but so do about a thousand other people and so the bidding wars begin.

Our wallet feature lets you set up an alert that notifies you every time someone places a larger bid. This way, you can boost your offer and eventually claim your Pikachu NFT. You’re welcome!

Что предлагает Etherscan?

При использовании приложения Etherscan нужно просто ввести адрес кошелька Ethereum, который вы хотите найти, в строку поиска. Оттуда можно просмотреть баланс этого адреса и все транзакции, которые были совершены через него. Etherscan — это обозреватель Ethereum, который выбирают большое количество пользователей, отчасти из-за его скорости и надежности, а также потому, что он включает в себя другие полезные функции, такие как отслеживатель газа Etherscan.

Отслеживатель газа Etherscan, это приложение, предлагаемое Etherscan, которое позволяет пользователям рассчитать затраты на газ, связанные с транзакцией, и, следовательно, определить, насколько рентабельна эта сделка или транзакция. Это приложение очень полезно для определения жизнеспособности любой транзакции, совершенной с ETH, или просто при использовании сети Ethereum.

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