Эфир: инфляционный или дефляционный актив?

Ethereum Price Forecast Long Term Outlook – 2025 Prediction

Any Ethereum price prediction is subject to numerous factors — some of which we have touched upon above. Inevitably, given the volatility of the cryptocurrency market, any forecasting is little more than speculation and can only ever serve to give you an idea of what an asset’s potential for growth might be.

That being said, one way in which accuracy can be improved is by drawing together several Ethereum price predictions and basing subsequent conclusions on the aggregated forecasts.

At the time of writing, the Ethereum price history chart has shown a downtrend in the coin value and that is attracting long-term investors as it could be one of the best cryptos on the market today.

Ethereum — A Quick Recap

Ethereum was developed by Vitalik Buterin and went live in 2015, signalling a new breed of second-generation cryptocurrencies. Whereas Bitcoin and other first-gen cryptos were limited to bein

g token exchanged, Ethereum offered a whole new digital ecosystem with almost limitless potential.

Of course, you don’t need to be familiar with all of the technical features to invest in Ethereum, but understanding the basics is key to grasping what has made Ethereum the second-biggest cryptocurrency in the world. 

One major feature of Ethereum is its programmability. On top of hosting its native token, Ether, the Ethereum blockchain can also be used as a platform for smart contracts, digital apps, games and more. In fact, the Ethereum network is home to several other DeFi tokens.

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product.

План Бутерина

Одной из центральных фигур проекта считается Виталик Бутерин. Он является горячим сторонником перехода Eth на Proof-of-Stake, несмотря на возражения самого сообщества и экспертов, заключающиеся в том, что это ведёт к централизации проекта, оттоку пользователей, падению его надёжности и повышенному интересу со стороны финансовых регуляторов, готовых приравнять токены к ценным бумагам. Например, 19 сентября 2016 г. Бутерин выступал на конференции разработчиков Devcon2 в Шанхае и заявил, что переход на PoS произойдёт не ранее лета 2017 года, а в целом может продлиться до 2020 г.

10 декабря 2018 г. Бутерин завалил Twitter длинным постом, доказывающим преимущества децентрализованных блокчейнов в целом и построенных на PoS в частности. В марте 2019 г. в посте на Reddit он заявил, что переход оказался не таким простым решением, как предполагалось ранее. В результате переход на новый алгоритм постоянно откладывался то на конец 2019, то на зиму 2020, а затем речь и вовсе пошла о гибридном алгоритме между PoW и PoS. Основная сеть обросла всевозможными тестнетами, сайдчейнами и прочими инструментами, предназначенными для обкатки будущего перехода. Основным из них является Beacon Chain как фундамент будущего основного блокчейна Ethereum 2.0. На нём уже можно совершать транзакции «в стиле» PoS. 

Наконец, 2 июня 2021 г. Бутерин рассказал о многочисленных проблемах на пути перехода к PoS. Он пожаловался на человеческий фактор, из-за которого затянулся запуск и переход на более экологичный и менее затратный вариант достижения консенсуса. Если по техническому нормативу он первоначально укладывался в три месяца, то уже растянулся на 18. В лучшем случае гибридный вариант PoW/PoS заработает во второй половине 2022 г. Кроме того, разработчики рассчитывали быстро перейти на PoS в течение одного года, а фактически бьются над задачей уже около 6 лет. 

В результате, по состоянию на середину октября 2021 г., успешно реализована и завершена лишь Фаза 0. Она прошла в ноябре прошлого года, а через год должна была перейти в Фазу 1 по постепенному слиянию Beacon Chain на PoS с основной сетью (Eth1). Сейчас в сайдчейне сконцентрированы 3 млрд долларов залога валидаторов. Из-за высокой конкуренции с другими блокчейнами, а также занятости разработчиков, слияние Eth1 и Eth2 было отложено на конец года, до хардфорка Shanghai. 

Но теперь возникла проблема с «бомбой сложности», которую необходимо постоянно откладывать, чтобы не перегрузить сеть. Решение вопроса об её отложении заложили в обновление EIP-4345. Это означает, что слияние сетей откладывается минимум до мая 2022 года. Инвесторы отреагировали выводом средств, поскольку рассчитывали на переход на PoS до конца 2021 г. Теперь же им в лучшем случае придётся ждать ещё около года. Это влияет на курс Эфириума, который постепенно падает, торгуясь сейчас на отметке 3 800 USD против 4 150 от 11 мая 2021 г.

Where To Buy Ethereum

With the majority of Ethereum price predictions pointing to significant growth, now could prove to be a good time to invest in ETH. However, if you are new to the market, you might not know exactly how to add Ethereum to your portfolio.

Most cryptocurrency exchanges will now allow users to buy and  invest in ETH.

Through our full research, we’ve found that eToro offers the best place to buy Ethereum quickly and easily. eToro is one of the world’s leading crypto brokers, with over 30 million registered users. 

We recommend this platform — one of the leading retail brokers on the market. Here, you’ll not only gain access to the crypto markets, but you’ll also have some of the industry’s leading tools and metrics at your fingertips.

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product.

Ethereum Price Prediction 2040

The further ahead an Ethereum price prediction looks, the more inaccurate it is likely to become. This is not a reflection of the analytical platform, it is simply that the speed of which the market changes is almost impossible to map out. This is easy enough to see for yourself — simply look at how much blockchain technology has progressed over the last ten years — and how many platforms were able to accurately predict things.

Looking for a long term Ethereum price prediction? The Ethereum price 2015 to 2022 was highly volatile, as more liquidity and a general interest in crypto knowledge meant that most ETC trading was confined to BIG groups of people. And, now that Ethereum has hit the mainstream and is here to stay, investors are wondering where ETH’s price could head over the next 20 years.

But long-term Ethereum price predictions can be a good way to gauge current market sentiment and get an idea of how leading platforms believe future events — such as the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade — will affect prices.

Most crypto investors researching the top crypto will naturally gravitate towards ETH, as it is the most easily accessible and has the highest level of reputation and credibility. Furthermore, Ethereum is arguably still the most popular crypto on the market.

Combine these factors with Ethereum’s growing popularity within the legacy blockchain market, and there’s a clear recipe for long-term success. The live Ethereum price will undoubtedly benefit from greater adoption in the coming years.

For this reason, our Ethereum price prediction 2040 estimates that the coin could be valued at $75,000 by this point. This would represent an increase of 4,900% from today’s price.

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product.

Latest Ethereum News

It is not proper to conclude this ETH price prediction guide without touching on the importance of staying up-to-date with market information. If you are really going to invest in Ethereum, it is important that you always get the necessary breaking news about the coin and its entire network.

Potential Ethereum investors will always benefit from staying updated about developers within the Ethereum ecosystem and the wider blockchain industry. Whether you are trading or investing, it is important to get the latest news about the token, about the Ethereum network, as well as about the blockchain sector.

One of the most interesting latest Ethereum news you should know is that Blackrock, the largest money management firm in the world with over $10 TRILLION dollars in assets under management, is BULLISH on Ethereum Cryptocurrency. 

Where Could Ethereum Reach Next?

Ethereum holds a bright future as it is not just a transactional currency but eventually, it is on the path of establishing itself as a “store of value” for those entities which are looking to optimize their wealth. ETH functions very well with DApps, NFTs, smart contracts, and DeFi and the list keeps growing every year.

As long as the network keeps becoming stronger and the ETH team continues to develop innovative features, its investors will likely continue to grow in the years to come. Let’s check out the long-term price predictions of Ethereum.  

Ethereum Prediction for 2024, 2025 and 2030

As of May 6, 2024, Ethereum is trading at $3,202, with a market capitalization of $384.09 billion. The currency has exhibited significant growth following the Shapella upgrade in April 2023 and has experienced a substantial increase from $2,100 to $4,000. However, the Dencun upgrade has not significantly impacted the cryptocurrency’s value. ETH is down by 3.92% from the past month.

The ongoing interest in Spot Bitcoin ETFs has spurred anticipation Ethereum ETFs may also get an approval. Following the Dencun upgrade that was launched on March 13, 2024, the total supply has declined and the upgrade did not bolster the surge that the market had anticipated. ETH has increased 0.80% in the last seven days and 1.78% in the last 24 hours.

Read more about the Dencun upgrade: Why is Ethereum Going Up Today? 

According to Cryptonewz, by the end of the current year 2024, ETH will touch $5,000. By the year 2025, Ethereum is expected to reach the maximum level of $6,500 with a minimum of $ 4,500 and an average of $5,500. And by the year 2030, it is expected that it may go up to a maximum of $20,500. 

The current year will witness the Dencun upgrade, which is anticipated to positively boost the value of ETH. Also, Bitcoin Halving can also be a contributing element to the growth of the ETH trading value. If ETH keeps on growing, it has the potential to overcome its all-time high.

According to a blog by a leading cryptocurrency exchange CoinDCX, it is anticipated that 2024 may lay a firm foundation for ETH’s upward movement. The upswing could intensify, potentially pushing prices to surpass the crucial $10,000 and setting a new all-time high.  But, bearish activity could increase as these levels are breached leading to promoting a modest pullback. By the year-end, the pullback will witness a downtrend and eventually the year will close in the range of $5,000.

At the beginning of the year 2030, ETH price could reclaim its position of $10,000 and probably above the level, establishing a robust upward trend. ETH might even bypass this all-time high of around $12,000 levels and set a new record. But, again after reaching this peak, a crucial pullback might ensue. The year for ETH will reflect the dynamic interplay of encompassing bullish surges, market forces and bearish adjustments. By the end of the year, it might range around $9,000 to $9,500.  

Will Ethereum ever Outperform Bitcoin?

Given the highly volatile nature of the crypto market, various possibilities exist in the realm of cryptocurrencies, including the potential for Ethereum to surpass Bitcoin. As witnessed in 2021, ETH outperformed BTC, gaining nearly 400% compared to Bitcoin’s 66%.

Experts acknowledge that due to several use cases and its unique blockchain, Ethereum has a stable future, and there is a chance it may perform exceptionally well compared to Bitcoin. However, it is considered highly unlikely for Ethereum to surpass the price of Bitcoin. Nevertheless, ETH has the potential to reach a comparable market capitalization with BTC, notably due to its uncapped supply, unlike Bitcoin.

Bottom Line

Several crypto experts have analyzed the performance of Ethereum since its inception and knowing its capabilities they strongly believe that ETH is here to stay because of its firm fundamentals and potentiality.

The continuous growth of Ethereum and its constant upgrades has led many to predict that this year 2024 and upcoming years will be great for the token as rising confidence in the technology and blockchain solutions will surely let ETH to the moon and investors holding ETH for long will not be wrecked.


Давайте сначала точнее разберемся по срокам перехода Ethereum на POS-алгоритм. На данный момент процесс работы находится на заключительной стадии, когда его обкатывают в тестовых сетях. И также параллельно уже больше года у нас работает сеть Beacon Chain, в которой застейкано более 13 миллионов монет эфира. А еще в этой сети уже более 400 000 валидаторов и в этот момент все блокчейны, которые давно работают на POS-алгоритме и считают себя децентрализованными, отправились на очень нервный и долгий перекур в стороне. 

То, что пытается сделать команда Виталика Бутерина, еще никто не делал в криптовалютах до них ранее, перевести огромную востребованную сеть топ-2 криптовалюты по капитализации с одного алгоритма на другой. Поэтому на это и потребовалось несколько лет, но как уже сказали, в тестовых сетях этот процесс уже происходит. А дата 19 сентября — это предварительный срок, когда может состояться основной апгрейд.

Произойдет данное событие как планируется или нет, мы можем следить по следующим ключевым точкам, а это 27 и 28 июля, когда будут сделаны анонсы следующих слияний в тестовых сетях.

Далее наше внимание будет приковано к периоду с 8 по 18 августа, это время финальных тестов, на основании которых будет принято решение о переводе основной сети на POS-алгоритм. И если все будет идти согласно этому плану, то 19 сентября произойдет главное событие

Конечно, скептики уже шутят, что в посте не указано, в каком именно году 19 сентября мы увидим долгожданный эфир 2.0 и указывают в качестве года 2050.

Но рынок криптовалют думает совершенно по-другому и цена на эфир лучшее тому подтверждение. 

How Was Ethereum Doing in 2021? What About 2022?

ETH was worth $738.73 on 1 January 2021, but not for long. The prices rallied upwards across most cryptocurrencies. Ethereum reached its (at the time) ATH mark of $2,036.29 on 20 February 2021. Other currencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and Uniswap have also substantially increased. But that price surge wasn’t the end. 

ETH chart in 2021

Ethereum made an impressive leap to $4,293 on 12 May, which became yet another peak for the year. Other notable mentions include $4,213 in October, $4,843 in November and $4,736 in December. By the end of the year, ETH was trading at a slightly lower rate of around $3,900.

There are four reasons why ETH’s price jumped in 2021:

  1. The ETH 2.0 upgrade is progressing well. Investors are already paying close attention and preparing for the upcoming releases to make Ethereum more scalable, secure and sustainable.
  2. The rising adoption of Decentralised Finance mentioned above. We can already see its positive effect on the price. 
  3. Ethereum has proven itself as a reliable alternative to Bitcoin among retail traders. Besides, Bitcoin is already testing the $60,000 level. 
  4. The US’s ongoing fiscal and monetary policy offers an incentive to rush to risky assets by most crypto investors. Congress is also considering a $1.9 trillion package for the near future.

ETH chart in 2022

In September 2022, the average trading price was around $1,350, the market cap was over $165 billion, and the trading volume was over $21 billion.

The Main Drivers of ETH Price

The price of traditional crypto assets, such as stocks or bonds, is driven by economic factors like inflation or government regulation. 

ETH prices are strongly driven by popularity among investors, political or regulatory events and investor expectations in the markets.

The Success of ETH 2.0

The success of Ethereum 2.0 directly affects ETH prices spiking up. Some even refer to the launch of the upgrade as the starting gun going off. Because Ethereum becomes more scalable via layer-2 technology, it’ll draw more attention from traders, investors and a large pool of corporate and individual users.

Ethereum 2.0 is very likely to cause a long-term bullish impact on the value. The influence may already be present. 

Ethereum Futures

Ethereum futures allow traders to speculate on ETH’s value at a given date in the future for the first time. This launch can be considered as opening the doors for traditional investment firms.

What does it change? Futures allow exposure to the digital asset market without navigating crypto exchanges or setting up digital wallets. This leads to a spike in investors that prefer the structure of traditional financial markets.

Decentralised Finance

Ethereum is already active in the DeFi space. It uses smart contracts to create protocols replicating existing financial services in a more transparent way.

The total value locked in Decentralised Finance. Source: DeFi Pulse

DeFi is already a trend, and the more demand there is for it, the more valuable it becomes. Consequently, the price of Ethereum will follow.

Ethereum is playing a pivotal role in the growth of DeFi because every major DeFi protocol is built on the Ethereum blockchain, and new projects are joining at a rapid pace. Even with crypto’s price volatility, the long-term upward price trend in DeFi remains.

BTC/ETH Correlation

If we compare BTC and ETH’s charts, we see patterns of their price movements that correlate over a long period of time. No other cryptocurrency pair shows as many signs of an extremely strong bond. In this part of the market cycle, the BTC/ETH correlation is 0.81.

Cryptocurrencies correlation chart

This phenomenon shows up especially vividly with large price fluctuations. The correlation is instantaneous in most cases, with a difference of several minutes or hours.

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