Лучшие блокчейн-эксплореры: полное руководство

Меня обманули. Мне отправили 2 биткоина, но они до меня не дошли

  1. Так не бывает.
  2. Так не бывает.
  3. Смотрим пункт 1 или 2, но вообще так не бывает!

Да, сейчас набегут теоретики и расскажут нам исключения из правил, мол, чему мы тут вообще народ учим? Рассматриваем ситуацию, в которой:

Вася отправил Маше 2Биткоина -> транзакция прошла, то есть попала в блок -> блок получил несколько подтверждений, то есть после этого блока было найдено ещё несколько блоков.

В этой ситуации не может быть такого, что деньги до Маши не дошли. Маша либо обманывает, либо не синхронизировала свой Биткоин-кошелек, либо использует кошелек биржи, а биржа ещё не успела обработать это поступление. Ещё один вариант — она просто не туда смотрит.

Сервисы для Bitcoin (BTC)

  • 1ML — платформа поиска и анализа Lightning Network;
  • Bitcoin Visuals обеспечивает визуализацию данных для блокчейна биткоина, сети Lightning и рынка биткоинов;
  • Bitcoin Optech Dashboard предоставляет данные (консолидация, сигнализация RBF и т. д.) для блокчейна биткоинов;
  • Bitcoinity предоставляет статистику бирж и блокчейна для биткоина;
  • Bitnodes предоставляет карту всех достижимых нод в сети биткоина;
  • Blockchain — это обозреватель блокчейна биткоина, который предоставляет статистику биткоинов, графики, загрузки данных и API-интерфейсы.
  • Blockstream.info — это обозреватель блокчейна биткоина и Liquid Sidechain explorer;
  • Coin Dance предоставляет данные об объемах биткоина и Bitcoin Cash, демографических данных (на основе Google Analytics) и принятии;
  • Estimate Fees — калькулятор комиссии биткоина;
  • Fork.lol предоставляет сравнительные данные по вознаграждению майнеров, найденным блокам, транзакциям, хешрейту и безопасности для блокчейнов биткоина и Bitcoin Cash;
  •  предоставляет данные о мемпулах биткоина, Bitcoin Cash и Litecoin (неподтвержденные транзакции, комиссии за транзакции, размер мемпула);
  • Liquid Horse предоставляет данные сайдчейна биткоин Liquid;
  • Luke Jr’s Bitcoin Node Script обеспечивает визуализацию всех полных нод в сети биткоина;
  • Mayer Multiple — цены на биткоины за 200-дневную скользящую среднюю;
  • OP_RETURN предоставляет данные о результатах транзакций и количестве OP_RETURN для биткоинов;
  • output.today отслеживает среднесуточные выводы биткоинов;
  • OXT — это обозреватель блокчейна биткоина, который предоставляет статистику по биткоину (объем, UTXO, принятие Segwit и т. д.) и инструменты для создания графиков;
  • p2sh.info предоставляет статистику по типам биткоин-транзакций, включая пакетные операции, Bech32, P2SH и OP_Return;
  • sha256.network — индекс энергопотребления биткоина;
  • Statoshi.info предоставляет статистику по биткоин-нодам в режиме реального времени (блоки, комиссии, мемпул, майнинг, одноранговые узлы);
  • The Bitcoin Volatility Index отслеживает волатильность цен на биткоин и Litecoin в долларах США за разные периоды времени (30 дней, 60 дней, 120 дней, 252 дня);
  • WalletExplorer.com — это обозреватель блокчейна биткоина, который группирует и маркирует общедоступные кошельки, принадлежащие биржам, пулам и другим биткоин-сервисам;
  • WooBull предоставляет графики для инвестиционных коэффициентов биткоина, экономических и сетевых свойств.

How to use Block Explorer?

To explain things we’ll be using different services of Bitcoin block explorers. All explorers supply same information and once you understand these displayed data you’ll grasp block explorers of all other crypto currencies. Alright! Here are some of the common things that you can do with a block explorer.

Latest blocks and Latest transactions

Whichever service it is the first thing that you’ll notice on the homepage is a list of most recent blocks and transactions.

Once the miner solves a block it will get added to the blockchain and all these block explorers will update this information in real-time. Depending on the service this table displays the following information: block height, transaction hashes, age of the block, total number of transactions involved in a block, its size, block reward and relayed by / mined by.

Finding blocks and viewing all of its transactions

The block feed and transaction feed displayed on the homepage will be same across all explorers. However depending on the service the information displayed there will be limited. If you’d like to know more in-depth information then you’ll need to explore a particular block. You can either click the block feed link or you can input the block height number directly in the search field of the block explorer.

Now this page displays valuable information about a block that you are looking at specifically. When you explore a particular block most explores displays summary of the block and its transactions. Summary displays the following information:

  • Number of transactions on the block
  • Estimated transaction volume
  • Transaction fees
  • Total coins that was transacted
  • Block reward, weight, size, version
  • Who mined the block
  • When the block was mined
  • Nonce, Merkle Root
  • Hash of the current block
  • Hash of previous block and hash of next block

Followed by summary you’ll find information about each individual transactions that occurred in that particular block. This section displays Bitcoin addresses and the transaction ID of each single transactions. By looking at this you can easily understand how much Bitcoin was transacted, which address received it and from where it was sent from.

Exploring further

The data displayed in block explorers are interlinked and well connected to one another. For example from this transaction lists you can click on transaction id and view more details about that particular ID. It will display the block height in which the transaction took place, total number of confirmations and few other additional data. From there you can click on wallet address, navigate further and audit its transaction history and balance.

Network Status: Finding Hashrate, difficulty, fees and earnings

If you are Bitcoin miner then these are some information which you’ll find useful and start using it in your day to day mining routine. Not all explorers display this but some explorer like mempool.space and btc.com puts up more in-depth information about the current network.

This section displays network hashrate, difficulty, next estimated difficulty and few other network specific information. For example the current hashrate is 42.91 EH/s which is equal to 42,910,000 TeraHash. These network data will help you to estimate your mining income and Bitcoin fees needed for a successful transaction.

Exploring Genesis block and viewing Rich list

Block explorer allows you to search any information about any block that you wish. You can even navigate to the first block that was mined in 2009. You can check the genesis block difficulty, wallet address that mined it and the reward. To find the genesis block just type 1 in search bar of block explorer and it will display the information of block height #1.

src: https://bitinfocharts.com/top-100-richest-bitcoin-addresses.html

Ever wondered which Bitcoin address holds the most number of Bitcoins. Using block explorer you can check the most popular address by the number of outputs and the top 100 richest Bitcoin addresses. But do note that not all explorers provides this option and feature like this won’t be available on privacy coins like Monero.

In addition to this; few other information that you can examine using blockchain explorer are as follows: Viewing largest transaction, Mempool status, double spend incidents, blockchain size, total transaction per day, orphaned blocks and market capitalizations.

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Признак идеального BTC Explorer?

Проводник BTC можно оценить по тому, насколько полным является набор его функций, а также по уникальности этих функций.

Скорость отображения и получения данных также влияет на удобство работы. Учитывая растущую обеспокоенность пользователей по поводу конфиденциальности, BTC-проводник должен иметь надежные меры защиты своих пользователей.

Подобно тому, как блокчейн, например Ethereum, обеспечивает пользователям высокий уровень прозрачности, исследователи блокчейна также должны быть публичными. Эксплореры должны быть в состоянии обеспечить предоставление необходимой пользователям информации обо всех транзакциях на блокчейне.


Transaction indexing

For the BTC RPC Explorer to work, you need your full node to index all transactions.

  • If you followed this guide, the transaction index parameter is already enabled (), and you can skip to the next section.

  • If this is not the case, you need to set the parameter in your Bitcoin Core configuration file (): .

  • After adding the parameter, restart Bitcoin Core, which will now index the whole blockchain

Please note that reindexing can take more than a day. You can follow the progress using .

Install Node.js

  • Add the Node.js package repository from user “admin”. We’ll use version 16, which is the latest stable version.

  • Install Node.js using the apt package manager.

Firewall & reverse proxy

In the , we set up NGINX as a reverse proxy. Now we can add the BTC RPC Explorer configuration.

  • Enable NGINX reverse proxy to route external encrypted HTTPS traffic internally to the BTC RPC Explorer

  • Test and reload NGINX configuration

  • Configure the firewall to allow incoming HTTPS requests

Лучшие обозреватели биткоина

Ниже представлены пять лучших программ для изучения биткоина на рынке:

Blockchain Block Explorer Один из наиболее часто используемых проводников, это в первую очередь проводник блоков Биткойна, но его также можно использовать для проверки транзакций ETH и BCH.

Помимо отображения добытых блоков в виде компактного списка, основанного на том, как недавно они были разгаданы, этот проводник также предлагает пользователям возможность просматривать сложность добычи блоков, графики (включая среднюю плату), адрес майнера, добывшего блок, и текущий хэшрейт.

  • BlockCypher Проводник с открытым исходным кодом BlockCypher имеет прозрачную кодировку и отображает стандартную информацию, такую как комиссии, размер блока и количество транзакций. Помимо BTC, этот проводник также поддерживает альткоины, такие как DASH и DOGE. Он также предоставляет оценку подтверждения транзакций.
  • Blockchair Blockchair имеет простой интерфейс, который предоставляет информацию о тенденциях, комиссиях и размерах блоков. Он предлагает поддержку BTC, LTC, XRP, BCH и ETH. Кроме того, он отлично подходит для углубленного анализа трендов, а также отображает сообщения и заметки, включенные в транзакции.
  • TradeBlock TradeBlock предлагает отличную среду для отслеживания транзакций и поиска кошельков. Этот проводник имеет простой дизайн и оснащен широким набором инструментов.

TradeBlock предоставляет широкий спектр информации, например, последнюю активность блока, включая количество транзакций и суммарную стоимость вывода последних блоков. Он также включает в себя калькулятор майнинга для принятия лучших решений, связанных с добычей Биткойна и транзакциями.

CoinMarketCap Блокчейн-проводник CoinMarketCap предоставляет важную информацию о рынке криптовалют. Он ранжирует криптовалюты и биржи в порядке убывания рыночной капитализации.Рыночная капитализация (или рыночная цена) криптовалюты – это показатель ее рыночной стоимости. Другими словами, это… . Людям легко пользоваться CoinMarketCap из-за его привлекательной графики и простого макета.


Until recently this best-known Bitcoin blockchain explorer was located at Blockchain.info. It remains the most popular Bitcoin blockchain explorer and is also a very solid blockchain explorer, although its features remain pretty basic by today’s standards.

Search by address, tx ID or block for BTC, BCH and ETH

Still, it gives you the ability to do basic searches of addresses, transactions and blocks, and the user interface is solid. It’s also a reliable and trusted service. One of the best features at Blockchain.com is the mountain of stats available for the Bitcoin activity in the past 24 hours. This includes info on the price, hashrate, difficulty, TXs per day, average fee, uncomfirmed transactions and Mempool size.

You can also head on over to their charts section where you can gather much more extensive data. This includes statistics on wallet activity, network activity and more mining details. The charts can be extended out to the beginning of the Bitcoin blockchain.

Need more?

There are also Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash explorers available as well as an extensive API for the budding developer in you. This will allow you to pull the blockchain.com’s data and use them in your own applications and websites.

Blockchain Explorers Has Several Benefits

As can be seen from all of the varied responses to the question, “How do I utilize blockchain explorer?” What’s more, why are blockchain explorers the best way to learn about a blockchain’s workings? Blockchain wallets, which provide you access to various data, are another option for browsing and managing assets on the blockchain.

On the other hand, Blockchain wallets often limit the data you may access to just those connected with the keys under the wallet’s control. On the other hand, Blockchain explorers may be used to see transaction data from all wallets on a particular blockchain. Let’s look at the benefits of using blockchain explorer rather than other blockchain management solutions.

  • Checking the balances and expenses of innovative contract addresses may provide significant transparency to users of the blockchain explorer.
  • Before transmitting crypto assets to someone, you may use a block explorer to check the legitimacy of the wallet address.
  • You may also verify that a transaction has been sent to the intended recipient using blockchain explorers. In essence, it serves as proof to the public that you engaged in business with the person in question. As a bonus, the explorer lets users check their wallet balances at any time.
  • Additionally, blockchain explorer tutorials may clarify differences in transactions that are now being processed or that have already been verified. In addition, blockchain explorers may assist in determining any issues that may have occurred throughout the various verification stages.
  • Wallet and other software developers may benefit from the explorers’ input in determining what additional features and functionalities are required. Additionally, developers may verify that their wallets transmitting, receiving, and keeping cryptocurrency are well-programmed.
  • However, blockchain explorer can be a valuable tool for determining whether or not to make future investments in computer resources to support mining activities.

What is Block Explorer?

Block explorer is a website or a tool that allows one to browse through blocks, view wallet addresses, network hashrate, transaction data and other key information on the blockchain. Block Explorer is simply a search tool. Just like how you use web browsers to browse through the Internet; block explorers allows one to browse the blockchain. They are search engines made specifically to search the blocks of a blockchain. Each and every cryptocurrency that relies on its own blockchain will also have its own block explorer. So you must use block explorers specific to that cryptocurrency. For example using Bitcoin block explorer, you’ll not be able explore the chain of Ethereum or Litecoin. For Ethereum you’ll need to use Ethereum block explorer and for Litecoin you have to use Litecoin explorer.

blockexplorer.com, blockcypher.com, btc.com and  blockchain.com?

Just like how we have different web browsers and search engines to search the web; there are many blockchain explorers available for each coins. Either it could be official, community developed or maintained by any individual organizations. If you search “Block Explorer” in Google some of the sites that show up are blockexplorer.com, blockchain.com, blockcypher.com, mempool.space and btc.com.

These are some of the most popular Bitcoin blockchain explorers to find out information on the Bitcoin blockchain. They are most trusted and a well established tools to explore the real-time and historical information of the Bitcoin blockchain. Not just these but there are dozens of other block explorers out there for Bitcoin. In addition to exploring blocks some of these website offers useful tools such as wallet, stats, market data, widgets and API services. Here we’re not going to explain all of those additional features and we won’t go into the technical part on how these services fetches data from the blockchain. Instead we’ll explain the use of these services and we will show you some interesting things that you can do with block explorers.

What is a Blockchain Explorer?

In blockchain technology, transparency and accessibility are critical for users to have a deeper understanding of the network and the transactions that occur within it. The top best blockchain explorers provide an essential tool for users to achieve this goal by bringing a user-friendly interface for viewing and analyzing the data on a blockchain.

A blockchain explorer is essentially a web application or tool that allows users to view and interact with the data on a blockchain. With the help of the best blockchain explorers, users can explore the blockchain’s transaction history, network status, and real-time data.

Users can view individual transactions and their details, including the sender, receiver, amount, and transaction time. In addition, the top best blockchain explorers provide valuable information about the current state of the blockchain network, such as the number of nodes and the difficulty level of mining.

Some of the top best blockchain explorers even offer advanced features like searching for specific transactions or addresses, creating and viewing smart contracts, and exploring the history of specific blocks. This allows developers, traders, investors, and everyday users to better comprehend the blockchain and its potential.


The rise of blockchain technology has transformed how we conduct transactions and share information online. With more individuals and businesses embracing this innovative technology, the need for an open and accessible way to interact with the blockchain has become critical. The top best blockchain explorers offer a powerful solution to this challenge, providing users with a window into the inner workings of the blockchain, including transaction histories, network status, and real-time data. 

However, with so many blockchain explorers available, selecting the right one can take a lot of time and effort. In this article, we examine some of the top best blockchain explorers on the market to help you make an informed choice.


The TradeBlock blockchain explorer is well known among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. It is both loved and hated for its sparse, black background and unique presentation. That’s not to say it isn’t a complete blockchain explorer. It gives you all the basic information, and data is nicely formatted, including links to individual transaction hashes.

The Sparse UI of the TradeBlock explorer

It keeps track of the number of confirmations for each transaction, and will even differentiate between the number of inputs and outputs. Data geeks love TradeBlock and if you love raw data you will too.

For the traders ?: They have a neat markets section that gives you the latest trading stats, prices, order books and market depth charts.

Finally, like most other explorers on this list, TradeBlock can also be used to keep track of transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. However, there is way less functionality here than there is for the Bitcoin blockchain.

How Blockchain Explorers Operate –

With a solid understanding of what blockchain explorers are, how they work, and why they’re essential, it’s time to move on to the next important component of a blockchain explorer guide. Learning about blockchain explorers is a fascinating experience for any novice. Block explorers like blockchain.com may be used to understand better how they function.

In addition to the number of transactions, volume, price, and predicted hash rate shown daily. In addition, some charts show the price and the size of the mempool. Look at the explorer’s interface’s bottom section to keep track of the most recent blocks and transactions.


The explorer portal’s pricing section displays several marketplaces’ compiled USD price feed. The price is mainly determined solely by the feed’s source, without reference to market rates.


Blockchain explorer portal transactions are a snapshot of the past 24 hours’ worth of unique transactions. For verification, a transaction must be included in a block that is verified.

Assumed Hash Rates

A further use for blockchain explorers is to see the predicted computational resources blockchain miners will employ. The expected hash rate may gauge security in a Proof of Work (PoW) blockchain.

Size Of The Mempool

One of the most significant components of learning how to use blockchain explorers is learning about the size of the mempool. In a sense, the size of the mempool is a proxy for the activity on the blockchain. But perhaps most importantly, it can demonstrate the costs associated with expediting transaction confirmations.

Amount Of Money Spent

Over the last 24 hours, blockchain transactions have verified a total value of $2 trillion worth of outputs. The unspent outputs are also added to the overall volume of transactions and returned to the spending wallet as change.

Volume Of Transactions Anticipated

An estimate of the actual amount of transactions sent between wallets is known as transaction volume. Transaction value minus projected outputs returning as change is the estimated transaction volume.

Most Recent Block

The most recent blocks are an essential consideration when using a blockchain explorer. Block explorers may aid by displaying the verified blocks in chronological order, from the most recent to the oldest. Information about the blocks, such as their timestamp, size, and height, may be gleaned from the functionality.

Характеристики проводника BTC

  • Хэш транзакции, показываемый проводником, – это случайная строка символов, используемая в качестве уникального идентификатора транзакции.
  • Каждый блок Биткойна имеет ограничение на размер транзакции в 1 МБ. Проводник отображает единицы пространства, занимаемые транзакцией в доступном пространстве блока.
  • Комиссия за каждую транзакцию отражается в проводнике. Отправитель платит небольшую комиссию майнеру, который подтверждает ее, которая рассчитывается на основе ставки комиссии, выбранной отправителем, и размера транзакции.
  • Когда майнер подтверждает транзакцию, она успешно добавляется в блок в блокчейне Биткойна. Этот блок приобретает высоту блока, или номер, который определяет, сколько блоков после генезисного блока (блок 0) было добыто.

Use of a Blockchain Explorer

A Blockchain Explorer allows users to assess the data related to all the transactions that are done with the help of wallets. An Explorer is the best bet for crypto investors. This tool finds its use in the following cases:  

a) Due to the transparent nature of transactions, users can view the transaction history and balances of contract addresses.   

b) It enables users to check if the Blockchain’s address is valid before transferring the crypto to the next person.   

c) Users can verify if a transaction has been delivered to the right person. The process is carried out by calculating the balance of dedicated blockchain wallets.   

d) An Explorer allows you to mitigate the number of delayed transactions with the help of troubleshooting. For example, an Explorer will identify an error and display the confirmation stage.  

e) Once you have developed the skills required to use an Explorer, you’ll be able to gather the latest information on gas fees and prices. Consequently, it helps you to manage expenses effectively.   

f) It helps individuals, groups, and organisations come up with profitable financial decisions.   

g) Wallet programmers use the Explorer tool to check the functioning of wallets. It ensures the function of wallets is in an optimal state. 


Блокчейн-обозреватели были запущены для предоставления подробных данных о транзакциях и обеспечения прозрачности для пользователей блокчейна. Исследователи помогают пользователям ознакомиться с историей транзакций в блокчейне, просмотреть баланс кошелька и подтвердить статус транзакций. С развитием технологии блокчейн все больше людей вступают на ее путь, поскольку начинают ценить полезность и многофункциональность блокчейн-эксплореров.

Учитывая экспоненциальный рост криптовалют и блокчейна в последние годы, ожидается, что программы для изучения BTC будут совершенствоваться и диверсифицироваться по мере развития в обозримом будущем.

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